Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts visit the museum

Boy Scouts and Cub Scouts come together to support museum

On September 1, scout leaders and scouts from Boy Scout Troop 87 and Cub Scout Pack 372 visited the Broomfield Veterans Memorial Museum and were able to see the museum’s new expansion into a second floor.  The visit resulted from an Eagle Scout project by Scout Graham Campbell focused on exploring areas where the museum and scout programs can support one another.

The museum often hosts meetings for local Cub Scout packs, provides workshops on flag history, etiquette and flag folding, and Cub Scouts join the museum in the annual Broomfield Days Parade.  Boy Scouts assist the museum with the Annual Veterans Day Program at Broomfield High School, collect discarded flags at the museum for the Flag Day Ceremony and receive help from the museum in working toward the American Heritage Merit Badge Award.  The visit and discussions were most helpful in identifying other potential projects and programs where the museum can assist our community scout programs.

Memorial Day Ceremony and Picnic – May 28, 2018

Memorial Day Ceremony and Picnic
Broomfield County Commons Park
Monday, May 28, 2018
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The City and County of Broomfield and the Broomfield Veterans Memorial Museum Directors and volunteers wish to invite the community at large to this year’s Memorial Day Picnic and Celebration. Please join us for a great afternoon of family entertainment and community engagement, featuring musical performances by the Rocky Mountain Brass Works and the Broomfield Civic Chorus. There will also be outdoor exhibits of military era vehicles and uniformed veterans. Burgers and hot dogs will be for sale from the Broomfield Lions Club. With all the day’s activities, let us not forget, that it is above all a day for all of us to come together and pay tribute to all those who fought and died in defense of our freedom.

In the future, when you visit the museum, please take time to see how we have improved and updated our exhibits and displays, many using technology that has greatly enhanced the visitor’s museum experience.

For further information on Coffee and Conversation speaker series please visit the Broomfield Veterans Memorial Museum website at, or email the museum at or call Ed Miccio at 303-669-7163.

Museum hours are Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. We are also open by appointment during the week, for group tours by calling 303-460-6801.  



SCFD Educator’s Night

The Public Relations Chair, Ed Miccio, and Curator, Megan Huelman, had a great time representing the museum last night at the SCFD Educator’s Night.  Thousands of educator’s descended on the Denver Museum of Nature and Science to hunt for resources and gather new knowledge to take back to their students.  On the museum’s second appearance at this fast-paced and lively event, we conversed with representatives from other museums as well as Educator’s-in-training.  We were proud to show off our website and the wide range of educational resources we are making available for those interested in topics of military history and veterans.  The American Military Living History Association joined us to help promote their own re-enacting services as well as offer a fantastic visual and picture-taking opportunity.  We love working with them and helping veterans’ stories come to life through outstanding costume and character portrayal.


Frontier Forts to the Fields of France

Stop by to see a very special exhibit about Michael J. Lenihan.  His career started heading west to the open western frontier after West Point and then continued through both the Spanish American War and WWI.  His family and descendants kept wonderful biographies of his life and service and we are proud to honor such a dedicated and courageous Veteran.  Please come check it out!



The Unsinkable Molly Brown

This past Sunday, July 16th, the Molly Brown House Museum in Denver celebrated her 150th birthday and how she used her wealth to help the poor and disadvantaged.  The party went from 12-4pm on the street infront of the house with exhibit booths, performers, artwork, reenactors, and historic vehicles.  The Broomfield Veterans Memorial Museum was honored to take part with our own display set up in the library.


Memorial Day Picnic and Ceremony

It’s that time of year again.  Families are pulling out their grills and ice tea pitchers so they can enjoy the beginning of summer.  Please don’t forget to take a moment on this Memorial Day to remember what this holiday weekend is all about.  Join us at Broomfield County Commons Park to honor those who have served and sacrificed for our country.  There will be music, activities and reenactors on hand to make this day special.  We hope you can join us.

May 30th, Broomfield County Commons Park, 11am-1pm

New Forefather’s Exhibit

Our newest special exhibit from the Forefather Series is up!  The WWI story of a baker in the Navy was a big hit.  This time around, we want to share the story of a Jewish American soldier who helped waterproof vehicles for the landing at Normandy and then witnessed the liberation of Buchenwald.  Irving Fischer’s story is one you won’t forget.  His photographs tell a story of the Holocaust’s aftermath from his perspective and a life thriving in Colorado after the war.  We hope you’ll stop by to see this exhibit during its two month run.

FRCC’s Third Annual History Conference

The Veterans Museum participation at the Front Range Community College’s Third Annual History Conference consisted of a table display in the main portion of the library, and Bob Moulder’s presentation, “Civil War in the West.” David Jamiel had been scheduled to do a talk as well, but was a bit under the weather. Instead, he and Shirley set up their Mormon Battalion display on an adjacent table and engaged people throughout the day. Bob’s presentation went very well, and David and Shirley were very busy most of the day talking with interested visitors at the table.

The intent of the conference in general was to engage the History Department students and encourage their participation, and also invite outside community organizations, like ourselves, and other educational related companies.

Red Rocks Community College Celebrates WWI

We had a wonderful time last Thursday joining Red Rocks Community College for their annual event celebrating WWI.  Our representatives chatted with students, professors and the public.  We demonstrated our research resources and encouraged everyone to visit the museum!

Veteran’s Museum trivia team comes in third place at recent Brain bowl

Friday night, February 24, Broomfield Veteran’s Memorial Museum participated in the Broomfield Crossing Rotary “Broomfield Brain Trust” trivia contest. GI Joes and Jane (made-up of six members) competed against 16 teams through eight rounds of trivia featuring 10 questions per round. Subjects included the national parks, animal kingdom, inventions, toys and games, and Colorado sports. Although GI Joes and Jane placed third, the end result was nevertheless fun and rewarding. Refer to the March 5, Broomfield Enterprise issue for the full article on the Brain Bowl.