2nd and 4th Saturdays – 10 a.m.
The Broomfield Veterans Museum invites you to join us for Coffee and Conversation, where you can enjoy coffee, donuts, networking and a great presentation by a veteran or historian. In an informal setting, our Coffee and Conversation events provide museum visitors with an opportunity to listen to the stories of service and sacrifice, ask questions of our speakers and other veteran, see short videos and discuss the broader context of their experiences. Coffee and Conversation events in 2024 begin at 10 a.m. on the 2nd and 4th Saturdays each month.
Watch the Livestream
The museum is open and hosting Coffee and Conversation events. However, if you prefer to watch from home, we invite you to tune in via our YouTube livestream.
Upcoming Presentations
11 January – Broomfield Veterans Museum Annual Meeting, 9am – 11am! Learn about the great year we had in 2024 and our plans for 2025.
18 January – Toy Train Exhibit opens, presented by Colorado Toy Train Foundation.
22 February – Lou Marucheau graduated from the University of Colorado, was commissioned in the U.S.
Navy . He will speak about his Vietnam tour which covered the end of the Swift Boat era in Vietnam.
His tour, which was from October 1969 to September 1970, was as the Officer-in-Charge of a PCF (Swift
Boat) operating throughout the Mekong Delta. He operated on the My Tho, Ham Luong, and Co Chien
rivers which are the three main rivers of the Mekong. During his tour, “Vietnamization” of the US Naval
Forces was carried out so that all brown water navy boats, including PCFs, and their missions were to be
turned over the South Vietnamese Navy.
8 March – Stuart Goldstien graduated High School in 1963 and was facing the draft or college. By his own words, “I had a rather dismal academic standing and the local community college wanted nothing to do with me. My path was clear. I would join the Navy, grow up, and maybe even see the world. I got to do
all three things in the next 4 years.” Stuart was trained as Fleet Marine Medic and in 1965 was deployed
to Vietnam initially to Saigon and later to Hoi An, 20 km south of Danang , where he and other Navy
personnel supported a civilian Vietnamese hospital. Stuart will share a video essay he created with
images and music from this period which many of us can relate to and find this to be a powerful
15 March – Matt Ake graduated from Penn State University and was commissioned into the United States
Air Force as a 2nd Lt. He spent 8 years on active duty and retired from the Air Force Reserve as a
Lieutenant Colonel. Matt will give a special talk about the “History of Vietnam” to help set the stage for
the March Vietnam War Symposium. Our focus for CY2025 Coffee and Conversation speakers will emphasize Vietnam veterans.
22 March – Vietnam War Symposium, Broomfield Auditorium, 3 Community Park Dr., Details TBD.
Coffee and Conversation Archive
You can check out recordings of our past Coffee and Conversation presentations online through our museum’s YouTube channel. To view the full list of videos with their associated links, please click on this link: Coffee and Conversation Digital Guide
We’d love to hear from you! Please share any feedback with us about these videos at coffeeandconversation@broomfieldveterans.org. We’d also love to hear any suggestions you have for topics and speakers.