Get on Board for Fun with the new Toy Train Display!

From December 8th to the 22nd the Colorado Toy Train Foundation will erect its modular 3-rail O-scale (1/4″=1′, or 1/48th scale) train layout that features double loops of mainline and some triple tracked lines displaying military and holiday-themed trains from the WWII and Korean War eras at the Broomfield Veterans Museum at 12 Garden Center. 

The CTTF will operate a frequently changing, kaleidoscopic panoply of trains from the collections of its membership featuring locomotives from the historically significant era of steam power that literally built the United States as we now know it, spanning westward from the original 13 British colonies on the Atlantic Coast to the shores of the Pacific Ocean. There will be trains pulled by first generation diesel-electrics to the current crop of super performance diesels boasting many tens of thousands of horsepower to keep our nation’s economy supplied with basic raw materials and supplies of manufactured products from all over the US and other countries worldwide.

Donations for Veterans’ Christmas Gift Bags by Dec. 5th at noon

Broomfield American Legion Post 58Beth Skinner Realty, and Broomfield Veterans Support Alliance are inviting community members to help provide items for Christmas Gift Bags for local and Denver Veterans.  Items may be deposited into the Christmas decorated donation boxes at the Veterans Museum of Broomfield on Tuesdays and Thursdays (10am – 2pm) and Saturdays (9am – 3pm) from Nov. 14th – Dec. 4th.  Appreciated donations include men’s socks, Christmas candies, small adult Christmas games and playing cards, gum, sugar free treats, individual packages of nuts, corn nuts, applesauce, puddings, kleenex, cheese & crackers, etc.  Please sign in at the museum and enjoy a tour as well!  On behalf of our Veterans, we thank you so much for your donations.

The Veterans Museum of Broomfield, located at 12 Garden Center, is now accepting donations to place in Christmas Stockings and Christmas Santa Bags for Veterans in our local community. Please drop off individually wrapped snack items like nuts, gum, men’s socks, cheese and crackers, etc. on Tuesdays and Thursdays (10-2) and Saturdays (9-3).

Community members spread out a large flag in preparation of retiring it.

Annual Veteran’s Day event on Nov. 11 a success!

Featuring performances from the Rocky Mountain Brassworks and the Broomfield Civic Chorus, the Museum’s annual Veteran’s Day ceremony and open house was held in the Broomfield Veterans Museum’s parking lot at 12 Garden Center at 11am. This year’s speaker was retired Marine Col. Jeff Davis, who talked through the sacrifices veterans made during conflicts since World War II. We appreciate the support from the Broomfield community. Over 150 people were in attendance.

Special World War II Symposium was held on July 16!

Featuring well-known speakers, historians, reenactors, and politicians, the 2022 World War II Symposium was held at the Broomfield Auditorium from 10am – 1pm on July 16. Guests honored veterans and explored the history and meaning of America’s involvement in World War II. Have you ever wanted to hear directly from Mamie Doud Eisenhower about her experiences during the war? Or chat with Rosie the Riveter? How about listen to well-known authors and historians discuss the critical moments of the war? Guests had the chance to do all of that and more! Broomfield Mayor Guyleen Castriotta and Congressman Joe Neguse shared words with the audience on this momentous day, as five World War II veterans were also given special Congressional honors.

Memorial Day Ceremony and Picnic well-attended

Broomfield started the summer right with a ceremony at the Broomfield County Commons Park in honor of those who served and died for our country. Featuring music from the Broomfield Civic Chorus and the Rocky Mountain Brassworks, honoring of Gold Star families, speeches, the BPD and North Metro honor guard, reenactors, and food for sale from the Lions Club, this annual event is a true community tradition. The ceremony started at 11am, and the picnic will conclude by 1pm. Music and food will be interspersed throughout. Board President Lew Roman welcomed the crowd, Major General Mason Whitney gave the keynote remarks, and Broomfield Mayor Guyleen Castriotta spoke as well. 500 people attended.

Museum founders honored

Family members and friends of the museum’s six original founders gathered on April 7 to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the organization’s founding.
Museum president Lew Roman (left) welcomes over 30 museum volunteers, members, Broomfield city officials, and family members of the founders to the museum’s 20th anniversary reception.

Vietnam War veteran to speak on Saturday, April 9 at the Veterans Museum Broomfield

Local resident Robert MacDonald entered the U.S. Army in 1959 and served in the Infantry, Special Forces Green Beret, and Military Police before retiring 30 years later as a full colonel.

During the Vietnam War he was an advisor within the South Vietnamese Army and, on his second tour, he was designated to serve as a U.S. representative for the repatriation of enemy prisoners of war once the war was over. He was also involved in the return of U.S. prisoners held in prison in Hanoi, North Vietnam.

After the war he had a number of command and staff assignments, including staff officer under the Superintendent of the Military Academy at West Point, New York.

He will detail his military experiences at the Veterans Museum Broomfield’s bi-monthly “Coffee & Conversation” series at 10:00 a.m. on April 9.

Special Presentation on Ukraine, March 31 at 10am

Flag of Ukraine - Wikipedia
Tune in to our YouTube channel or come to the Museum for a Special Zoom presentation by Robert Blobaum, titled “Personal Thoughts on the Russian Invasion of Ukraine.” Robert Blobaum is the Eberly Family Distinguished Professor in the Department of History at West Virginia University. He specializes broadly in the social, political and cultural history of Poland in the first decades of the Twentieth century. He has served on the executive boards of the Association for Slavic, East European and American Studies and is currently the president of the Polish Institute of Arts and Sciences of America.

Museum Celebrates Its 20th Birthday!

The Broomfield Veterans Museum turns 20 this year! In celebration, we have a special exhibit about the Museum Founders in our Forefather’s Exhibit. It was through their hard work that Broomfield has this great local resource for learning and gathering.