On September 1, scout leaders and scouts from Boy Scout Troop 87 and Cub Scout Pack 372 visited the Broomfield Veterans Memorial Museum and were able to see the museum’s new expansion into a second floor. The visit resulted from an Eagle Scout project by Scout Graham Campbell focused on exploring areas where the museum and scout programs can support one another.
The museum often hosts meetings for local Cub Scout packs, provides workshops on flag history, etiquette and flag folding, and Cub Scouts join the museum in the annual Broomfield Days Parade. Boy Scouts assist the museum with the Annual Veterans Day Program at Broomfield High School, collect discarded flags at the museum for the Flag Day Ceremony and receive help from the museum in working toward the American Heritage Merit Badge Award. The visit and discussions were most helpful in identifying other potential projects and programs where the museum can assist our community scout programs.