Local boy scouts help cut up and retire flags at the Flag Retirement Ceremony.

Join Us for Flag Retirement Ceremony

The Broomfield Veterans Museum will host a special Flag Retirement Ceremony and Cookout on Saturday, June 12, 2021, beginning at 11:30 a.m. In honor of Flag Day, local veterans will kick off the ceremony with special remarks about the history and significance of the U.S. flag. North Metro Fire Rescue District and Broomfield Police Department’s combined honor guard will lower the old flag for retirement and raise a new flag. A local scout troop will lead everyone in the Pledge of Allegiance, and special music will be performed as part of the ceremony.

Following the brief ceremony, the public is invited to help the museum retire hundreds of flags that have been donated from community members over the past year. Everyone is also invited to join in a patriotic picnic to celebrate the flag holiday.

Memorial Day Ceremony and Picnic – May 28, 2018

Memorial Day Ceremony and Picnic
Broomfield County Commons Park
Monday, May 28, 2018
11 a.m. to 1 p.m.

The City and County of Broomfield and the Broomfield Veterans Memorial Museum Directors and volunteers wish to invite the community at large to this year’s Memorial Day Picnic and Celebration. Please join us for a great afternoon of family entertainment and community engagement, featuring musical performances by the Rocky Mountain Brass Works and the Broomfield Civic Chorus. There will also be outdoor exhibits of military era vehicles and uniformed veterans. Burgers and hot dogs will be for sale from the Broomfield Lions Club. With all the day’s activities, let us not forget, that it is above all a day for all of us to come together and pay tribute to all those who fought and died in defense of our freedom.

In the future, when you visit the museum, please take time to see how we have improved and updated our exhibits and displays, many using technology that has greatly enhanced the visitor’s museum experience.

For further information on Coffee and Conversation speaker series please visit the Broomfield Veterans Memorial Museum website at https://broomfieldveterans.org, or email the museum at broomfieldveterans@gmail.com or call Ed Miccio at 303-669-7163.

Museum hours are Saturdays, from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. and Thursdays from 10:00 am to 2:00 pm. We are also open by appointment during the week, for group tours by calling 303-460-6801.  



Successful Memorial Day Commemoration

We had a great turnout yesterday for the Broomfield Memorial Day Commemoration.  Thanks to those that came and showed support for the museum, the Armed Forces and those that did not return.

The Anniversary of Pearl Harbor is Nearing!

pearl-harbor_0Have you ever wanted to know more about the fateful day that we still commemorate every December 7th?  Join us this Saturday at 9am at the museum for a presentation by volunteers and board members.  There will be room for questions and discussion at the end.  We hope you can join us!