Special Presentation is coming this Saturday, June 17!
Check out the seminar MIA Recoveries from WWII: Tarawa and Europe from Dr. Steve Cassells this coming Saturday, June 17 at 10am in the Presentation Room. More info can be found here.

Catch these two great upcoming programs!
First, enjoy local author talks and signings followed by a Flag Day ceremony and picnic on Saturday, June 10, starting at 10am. Hot dogs, hamburgers, and lemonade will be provided by North Metro Fire. Then, on June 17, at 10am, check out E. Steve Cassells seminar “MIA Recoveries from WWII: Tarawa and Europe.” Both events will be held at the Veterans Museum at 12 Garden Center.

Broomfield’s Military Appreciation Month is underway!

Former B-52 pilot to tell tales of the Cold War at Veterans Museum Broomfield on March 11
What was it like to be on constant alert as a B-52 bomber commander during
many of the tense years of the Cold War?
Former Veterans Museum Broomfield president and treasurer Colonel (ret.) Lew
Moir was on the front lines of that Cold War (and over Vietnam during a hot one) for
most of his 28 years on active duty. This Coffee & Conversation presentation will begin at 10am on March 11 at the Veterans Museum.

VA updates to be presented at Veterans Museum on Feb. 25
Navy veteran Tim Hutchinson, the Broomfield Veterans Service Officer, will provide his quarterly update of changes to the Veterans Administration claims process, the new appeals program, and changes resulting from Covid-19 on Saturday, February 25, 2023.
Additionally, he will discuss the new 2022 PACT (Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxins) Act, which is perhaps the largest health care and benefits expansion in VA history.
Tim served aboard the aircraft carrier USS Midway, attached to the U.S. Seventh Fleet, from July 1984 to April 1988.
The presentation will begin at 10 a.m. on Saturday, February 11, 2023. The Veterans Museum Broomfield is located at 12 Garden Center, on Midway Boulevard about a quarter-mile east of Wadsworth, and is open Tuesdays and Thursdays from 10 to 2 and Saturdays from 9 to 3. Admission is free. For more information, call the museum at (303) 460-6801.
Doug Nunes to give talk about the Unabomber this Saturday, Feb. 11
Come to the Museum this Saturday at 10am for a talk from someone who was there. Learn more at https://www.broomfieldleader.com/news-releases/veterans-museum-to-host-talk-on-the-unabomber-on-feb-11-6469725

First C & C of the year is this Saturday!
Get your 2023 started right by checking out Mike Fellows’ story of the critical role that combat engineers played in frustrating the advance of German forces during the early days of the Battle of the Bulge. 10am-11am on Saturday, January 14 at the Veterans Museum.
Holiday closure, will re-open Saturday, January 7
Happy Holidays to you and your family. The museum will be closed through January 6, and will re-open with its regular hours Saturday, January 7.