Broomfield American Legion Post 58, Beth Skinner Realty, and Broomfield Veterans Support Alliance are inviting community members to help provide items for Christmas Gift Bags for local and Denver Veterans. Items may be deposited into the Christmas decorated donation boxes at the Veterans Museum of Broomfield on Tuesdays and Thursdays (10am – 2pm) and Saturdays (9am – 3pm) from Nov. 14th – Dec. 4th. Appreciated donations include men’s socks, Christmas candies, small adult Christmas games and playing cards, gum, sugar free treats, individual packages of nuts, corn nuts, applesauce, puddings, kleenex, cheese & crackers, etc. Please sign in at the museum and enjoy a tour as well! On behalf of our Veterans, we thank you so much for your donations.
The Veterans Museum of Broomfield, located at 12 Garden Center, is now accepting donations to place in Christmas Stockings and Christmas Santa Bags for Veterans in our local community. Please drop off individually wrapped snack items like nuts, gum, men’s socks, cheese and crackers, etc. on Tuesdays and Thursdays (10-2) and Saturdays (9-3).